Why Should I Fish in the Spring? | Montana Fishing Outfitters

Why Should I Fish in the Spring?

The spring season is not what it used to be, that's a fact. In the good old days March and April were considered the 'warm-up season', and a good guide was working by May 1 at the earliest. Times have changed though; maybe it's the climate changes, maybe it's the info sharing by businesses like ours, maybe it's the desire of die-hard anglers to extend their season any way they can. But this is for certain - we love early season fishing from mid-March to mid-May across Montana and here are the top five reasons why:

1. It just feels great to be back on the water. As river guides we set our internal clocks by the flow of water, and after being off it for most of the winter it feels so good to return to the environment we thrive in.

2. It's generally quiet on the river. You can go anywhere you want and find plenty of solitude because the summertime anglers are still at home waiting for school to get out.

3. The trout are rested, relaxed and hungry. After a long winter of shivering in a deep pool, most trout are jazzed to feel some warmth and eat some insects. Fish are much more easily fooled early in the season compared to late, and some amazing hatches will happen during this time.         

4. The weather is unpredictable. That's right, we like unsettled weather in the spring season for a few different reasons. First, it keeps the complacency at bay. Plus, any moisture we get is generally good for the health of our rivers. But mostly, it's because any day you have to wear a rain jacket is probably going to be a real good fishing day. Trout like clouds.

5. You can do it on the cheap.  We are so excited to get on the water in the spring season that we are willing to guide you on the Spring Special discount program - $400/day for one or two anglers of all inclusive guided fishing is tough to beat. 
