Fly Fishing Private Waters Montana | Montana Fishing Outfitters

Private Access Waters

Have you hit the salmonfly hatch on the Big Hole River? Cha-ching! Caught more trout than you could count on the Madison during the Mother's Day caddis hatch? Bada-bing! Watched a big bull trout t-bone your helpless cutthroat on the Blackfoot River? Oh yeah, that was amazing!!  Do you feel like you've done it all?  Well, you haven't. Yet, anyway.

Fishing Seasons and Techniques

Most of Montana's smaller streams open to fishing on the third Saturday of May, and snowpack run-off comes not too long after that. This makes wade fishing a great summer and fall option for traveling anglers, once flows have subsided and it's safe and fun to access these creeks and streams.

The fishing on these small streams is most often casting single dryflies to actively rising trout or likely holding water in classic run, riffle, pool water. Sometimes we break down and tie an emerger or nymph below our dryfly - but only if we really have to! The health and size of the trout in these tributary streams is often surprisingly good, and we work hard to make sure they stay that way by limiting the amount of fishing pressure they receive.   

MFO has access to a variety of these waters in each of the different regions where we offer guided fishing trips, but the greater Bozeman area is where we have the most wade fishing water to choose from. Rods fees apply to most of these private access waters and rates vary on the season. A a day or two on a piece of private water is often the perfect accompaniment to a traveling trip across Montana we call 406 On The Fly