Look At That Forecast! | Montana Fishing Outfitters

Look At That Forecast!

Major pattern change will bring rain and snow this week

This is the weather forecast that Montanans have been dreaming about for the last 2 months, which is about how long it has been since it last rained here. As you may have heard amongst reports on hurricanes Harvey and Irma, the rocky mountain west has been having some natural disaster issues of our own, namely severe drought and major wildfires in Montana and across areas of the pacific northwest. Somehow we quickly went from a big snowpack year with a nice wet spring to one of the driest and warmest runs of weather we have ever seen before, and it has led to a summer of way too many hot and smoky afternoons in Montana.

This is great news not only for our fall fishing season, but also for all of our friends who are eager to bow hunt for elk and take big walks for wild prairie birds. A storm like this may not extinguish all of our fires, but it should put a lid on further growth, knock down the pesky smoke, and it will undoubtedly FEEL AMAZING.

1-3 inches of precip with snow in the high country is the recipe for triggering our fall fishing season for sure. Trout love cloudy and cool conditions once we get into September, and we expect this to lead to some awesome fishing short and long term this fall. The extended forecast also shows that we are not going to warm up above 80 degrees for at least a couple weeks, with another storm following this one next week. Hallefreakinglujah!  

Let's all cross our fingers this forecast holds, and that our friends in Florida and Texas pull through their weather challenges as well. It has been a crazy summer of Mother Nature challenges, but we appear to be turning the corner and we're ready for it.  Come of fall, let's do this!  
