Timing is Everything | Montana Fishing Outfitters

Timing is Everything

Sometimes it’s better to be lucky, than good. We’ve all heard this old adage before and when it comes to fishing there are certainly times it holds true.  I was reminded of this fact a few weeks ago when a good friend of mine came to visit for a day on the water and then a day of skiing. Which all sounds great, until you consider the fact that these two activities require the exact opposite weather conditions for pure joy.

No matter how much you practice your cast or wax your skis the element that Mother Nature controls is always antagonistically threatening to ruin your outdoor activity, this is where being lucky comes into play. So, when Blake sent out a text about sneaking out to the river in February I figured there was a good chance we’d end up at the local brewpub instead. However, as the day approached we got our lucky break and the cold snap parted just long enough for us to have an amazing day on the water. Warm, no wind, and a great midge hatch had us on fish from ramp to ramp with some great dry fly fishing in-between.

The lingering front held off just enough for us to make it home in a snow storm and overnight the local mountain received nearly a foot of the fresh stuff for skiing the next day. The timing was an instance of perfection; we never thought it would happen with the odds stacking against us for consecutive days of necessary opposite winter weather conditions.

I think I’ll have to keep Blake around; he seems to have the magic touch when it comes to controlling the uncontrollable variable of weather. Or maybe he keeps a lucky horseshoe in his ski bag, either way I’ll occasionally take lucky over good.