Land of Giants Fly Fishing | Montana Fishing Outfitters

Land of Giants Fly Fishing

The Land of Giants section of the Missouri River, running below Hauser Dam into Holter Reservoir, has become one of the most popular fisheries in Montana. Access to this fishery is tricky, but the payoff of a beautiful canyon packed with stout trout is well worth the extra effort.

The Land of Giants is only accessible by foot or jetboat with a US Coast Guard licensed Captain at the helm, and Montana Fishing Outfitters has a few of those on our staff. We think a day spent sampling this unique fishery is a great way to compliment a multi-day Missouri region trip.

Because these fish, mostly rainbows and a few browns, reside in the lake part of the year and move up into the river system to spawn and feed in the spring and summer, they are built differently than most river fish.  They are generally longer and stockier, with 18-24 inch fish being common and a few bigger ones being caught every year by the lucky ones. Holter Reservoir is also a fantastic place to do a trout/walleye combo trip and take home some tasty fillets for the family. 

Fishing Seasons and Techniques

The Land of Giants section fishes well throughout the season but tends to fish the best after the spawn in May and then through the summer and fall. While fantastic dryfly and streamer fishing days can be had in the LOG, the majority of the fish caught here are subsurface on a wide variety of nymph patterns. 

Holter Reservoir is an excellent trout, walleye and perch fishery as well, and many of our guide trips will include some lake time to focus on flyfishing for trout and maybe jig up a few walleye as well.

The daily rate is a bit more due to the exclusivity of the area and the need for a specialized boat to get there, but it's worth every penny. Please visit our Rates page for more info on LOG trips.