Paradise Valley Spring Creeks Fly Fishing | Montana Fishing Outfitters

Spring Creeks of the Paradise Valley

If you like the challenge of sight fishing and presenting small flies to big, wary trout in small, gin clear waters then spring creek fishing is definitely for you. If you like to have more solitude in your day and a more intimate experience with the river and it's surroundings then you also might like fishing private waters like these:

As a general rule of thumb you have to pay to play on these world renowned private waters, and daily rod fees range from $40 in the off-season to $100+ in the primetime summer months. Fishing the spring creeks is a great option when run-off conditions make rivers like the Yellowstone unfishable, especially in the spring season. They are also great as a one or two day portion of a multi day package trip where you sample a wide range of fishable waters in the area. 

Fishing Seasons and Techniques

Because spring creek water temperatures are constant, and usually warmer than our snowpack fed rivers and streams during the winter months, they make for great 'off-season' fishing spots. The primetime season on these creeks will begin in the spring (as early as March but surely by May), as the trout rise to midge and baetis mayflies. After that the summertime hatches will take over; pale morning duns, caddis and tricos. Hopper, and and beetle fishing can also be fun and productive in the summer and fall months.

The fishing on these spring creeks is definitely technical and not for the faint of heart. Long leaders, small flies, lengthy casts, spooky trout and heartbreaking refusals are all part of the game. So is some of the most perfect sight fishing opportunities that you'll ever find. The challenge is the fun here, and when you crack the code and get that stubborn trout to finally slurp your fly you know you've earned it. 

In addition to these private spring creeks we also offer trips on many private spring fed mountain and prairie lakes, and on top of that we have access to a number of super secret small water spots that you can read more about on our Private Access Water page. Sometimes it's nice to get a little extra elbow room and check out a new place where the trout don't meet many other anglers.